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Tarik Najeddine

Technical SEO | 10+ Years


Who is Tarik Najeddine?
  • Technical SEO Consultant at Torque Partnership.
  • I was the embedded SEO at that turned the content into Verywellhealth, fit, family, and mind, which was called “one of the most successful relaunches in the history of the web” by Searchmetrics in 2019.
  • I love to read, dance, get better at cooking, play with my cat, and explore the world with my fiancée.

Tarik Najeddine is a Technical SEO Consultant at Torque Partnership. He delivers performance optimization, page speed analysis, Tech SEO QA, SEO developer support, strategic guidance, and Enterprise SEO solutions for select clients at Torque Partnership.

Tarik has almost 10 years of experience in SEO, content strategy, competitor analysis, and Tech SEO, on the agency side and in-house.

Tarik is a huge fan of frustratingly complex Tech SEO problems, template-by-template performance optimization, and delivering priority action plans after doing deep research for firms hurt by algorithm updates. Outside of work, I love to read, dance, get better at cooking, play with my cat, and explore the world with my fiancée.

I Am Available For Freelancing!

Please Reach Out To Me On My Social Channels Or Website.

Advice For Anyone Joining The Industry

  • Adjacency can mean expertise! If you are coming from health, finance, manufacturing, sports, gaming, or even arts & crafts or education, that expertise translates to best-in-class content. Your previous experience is critical when it comes building content for people in that industry. It can even translate to better tools or communication styles with those people. So don’t be afraid to do SEO for a firm doing work you used to do. You’d be surprised how far you’ll go!

Areas Of Interest

  • Technical SEO will always be a professional obsession, given the complexity of websites continuing to march onwards & upwards.
  • Content Analysis, including natural language processing, and Topic Clustering is a big interest of mine, as it allows us to move past “blog per KW” dark age strategy.
  • Understanding the constellation of concepts your users are interested in, is 1000% more fruitful than translating a list of keywords into blog posts, and much more resistant to ChatGPT.

Education, Awards, Certifications

  • HS – Bronx High School of Science – Regents Diploma
  • BA – Johns Hopkins University – Psychological & Brain Sciences
  • MA – Teachers College Columbia University – Clinical Psychology

Affiliations & Past Work

  • I am open to freelance or contract work, consulting on a retainer basis, and advising emerging start-ups.

Published Work & Inclusions

Any Results/Highlights From Your Work You Want To Promote? Any Impact You’re Proud Of?

  • I was the embedded SEO at that turned the content into Verywellhealth, fit, family, and mind, which was called “one of the most successful relaunches in the history of the web” by Searchmetrics in 2019.

Favorite Articles/Publications You Share/Follow

  • SEOFOMO – Aleyda’s newsletter is the glue that keeps the industry together.
  • SISTRIX’s blog – Lily Ray has done exceptional work for SISTRIX, showing what a product focused blog can do for a SaaS firm, and the industry should take notes.
  • Factual Dispatch! – My experimental newsletter, blending media, journalism, and ad-free snark to build community away from paywalls.

Cool Fact

  • You can do it. No matter what it is you’re concerned about right now, it will be ok. Stay the course.

Favorite Food And/Or Restaurant

  • Too many to think of, but if you’re in NJ, Top’s Diner is worth the trip to East Newark.


  • Feb 15th

Our cat Bat.

Bat - Tarik Najeddine

Other Greats!


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Successful communication occurs when there’s an authentic connection between the speaker and the audience. This phenomenon, known as neural entrainment, is challenging to achieve.

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