Mike Ciffone
SEO Consultant | 9+ Years
Who is Mike Ciffone?
- I specialize in Technical SEO, Audits, and Content Strategy.
- I’ve been doing SEO for about 9 years, professionally for 7.
- I love building things for the web and cooking.
Mike Ciffone is an SEO Consultant and Marketer with a background in Product Management, and Web Development. I started my consultancy, Ciffone Digital, in 2019. I’m highly creative and love projects that allow me to think big picture. For this reason, I frequently work directly with startups, entrepreneurs, and in-house teams, helping them achieve their revenue goals and implement strategic initiatives.
While I specialize in Technical SEO and Page Speed optimization, my background is particularly well-rounded. I have extensive experience in off-site and digital PR, on-page, and content marketing strategy. However, my SEO audits are generally my most sought-after work.
Outside of my day-to-day, I’m currently writing my first book, “Digital Alchemy: Websites From Concept to Cash Flow”, which is designed to provide web entrepreneurs and those seeking passive income with the knowledge they need to develop successful websites and effectively monetize them.
In my personal life, I enjoy RV trips, Snowboarding, Hiking, and Chess. My wife and I live in Chicago with our two cats, and in October will be joined by our son Sal.
I Am Available For Freelancing!
Advice For Anyone Joining The Industry
Take an intro to web design course, learn to use WordPress, and make as many test sites as you can and rank them.
Areas Of Interest
- Technical SEO, SEO Audits, Page Speed, and Semantic SEO are my bread and butter, but I’m very well-rounded.
- I love doing content strategy as well.
Education, Awards, Certifications
BA Political Science, University of Missouri (Mizzou)
Affiliations & Past Work
Always seeking new consulting clients and freelance opportunities! I also white-label my SEO audits for many agencies 😉
Published Work & Inclusions
- How to Think About Ranking on Google Search in the Future
- EPISODE 33: SEO Success Stories with Mike Ciffone of Ciffone Digital | Impressive
- Adapting To Changing User Expectations Online | Mike Ciffone From Ciffone Digital | 20 Minute Marketing #77
- SEO Testing Roundtable ft. Mike Ciffone, Tom Anthony & Emily Potter – Hero Conf/SearchLove Summit
- I’ve written 200+ answers on Webmasters Stack Exchange
Cool Fact
I am Sudo on Webmaster World
Favorite Food And/Or Restaurant
Lasagna and Spicy Ramen
September 5
My two cats Oliver & Lily
Other Greats!
Stress and Stressability Working on Emotional Regulation
Emotional regulation issues start with emotional triggers. Let’s dig into some of the emotional triggers we encounter in digital marketing.
Working Toward Alignment
Successful communication occurs when there’s an authentic connection between the speaker and the audience. This phenomenon, known as neural entrainment, is challenging to achieve.
Communication Breakdown: Solving Communication’s Biggest Issues
Miscommunication impacts trust, efficiency, and revenue. Why are we so bad at it if communication is essential and poor communication so costly? Learn more from Jamar Ramos!
Millennium Man: What Chris Jericho’s WWE Debut Teaches Us About Marketing
Let’s look at how WWE’s marketing machine went into overdrive for Chris Jericho.
Becoming The Batman: Why Arkham City’s Marketing is Sticky
Batman: Arkham City’s viral campaign is still my favorite marketing. Let’s talk about why I enjoyed Rocksteady’s marketing promotion. Let’s talk about the time I became Batman!
The Importance of SEO for Businesses, Not Just Websites
It can be so easy for a new SEO to learn traditional, old-school SEO. Let’s learn and develop faster using historical data to make decisions that will affect the business.