Matt Tutt
SEO Consultant | 10+ Years
Who is Matt Tutt?
- Freelance SEO consultant.
- I love technical challenges and going down rabbit holes (this is both a good and a bad thing) and am also interested in link-building done right.
- I have two chickens, one is slightly mad. Ones called fetch, the others called render.
Matt Tutt is a freelance SEO consultant for purpose-driven and sustainable brands, or those that are working to reduce the impact of climate change. In this role I try to help ensure my clients websites can be easily found on Google by their target audiences.
Advice For Anyone Joining The Industry
Don’t be afraid to approach people to get feedback or to ask for their advice. I remember in my early days – and even still now – I will sometimes reach out directly to someone with a question, and I can’t remember a time when someone wasn’t kind enough to help me out. I think the SEO community can be great in this regard – people are always open to sharing or helping out others, at least in my experience!
Areas Of Interest
I love technical challenges and going down rabbit holes (this is both a good and a bad thing) and am also interested in link building done right. I’d describe myself as a generalist – I may not specialise 100% in one thing, but I like to have a broad understanding of other areas of SEO and how they interact with each other. I also like to think this makes me quite an asset for the clients I work with 🙂
Education, Awards, Certifications
- FdSc in Marine Conservation from Plymouth University
- Over 10 years of experience working in SEO
Affiliations & Past Work
- I’m open to new work, particularly with purpose-driven businesses – those that might reinvest profits into causes they support vs. solely being profit-driven.
- I’m also passionate about getting involved in the climate tech space – so companies that are working to reduce the impacts of climate change.
Published Work & Inclusions
Any Results/Highlights From Your Work You Want To Promote? Any Impact You’re Proud Of?
No tangible metrics or figures but I’m always quite proud that I’m able to help SMB’s to punch above their weight, often doing a lot of marketing (paid and SEO) on a fairly shoestring budget. I like the fact that I’m usually helping independent business owners, or those who are also passionate about environmental issues. I like to think money is less a motivation factor for me, it’s more important the purpose behind helping someone – I’d rather help them because they’re looking to impact positive change on the environment or society vs helping to make the business owner/shareholders richer.
Favorite Articles/Publications You Share/Follow
- SEOFOMO – The Weekly SEO Newsletter With Latest SEO News
- Search Engine Land – News, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay-Per-Click (PPC)
- Search Engine Roundtable ::: The Pulse Of The Search Marketing Community
Cool Fact
It may be obvious from my answers so far but I’m passionate about the environment and climate change. I think this is one of the key issues that’s going to affect all of us and so it’s important to try and raise awareness and work to reduce the impacts of climate change. If anyone wants to know more about this my social profiles/website are available for you to reach out (I won’t lecture you and I’m not in some kind of weird cult – nor will I ask you to join one).
I’m really keen on gardening and growing my own food. I own a fruit orchard with over 60 different fruit trees, and hope to become as self-sufficient as possible. I’ve also lived and worked from 4 different countries – UK, Ireland, Germany and now Spain where I’m settled with my partner and 2 young daughters.
Cool fact is that despite living in Spain for over 5 years, I can barely speak a word of Spanish (I also like to pronounce the H in Hola, to emphasise the fact).
Favorite Food And/Or Restaurant
I’m open to trying most things but if pushed curry is probably my favourite – something that’s sadly hard to find out here in Spain!
—I have two chickens, one is slightly mad. Ones called fetch, the others called render. Fetch is the mad one that doesn’t stop running around, whilst render is the big lazy one that just eats and doesn’t really do much else.
(Fetch is black, Render is red).