Lauren Galvez
SEO Consultant | 5+ Years
Who is Lauren Galvez?
- Freelance SEO Consultant. I’m open to new clients!
- I specialize in helping businesses improve their online visibility, attract more customers, and make more sales through SEO.
- I love spending time in nature, being with family, learning about different cultures and languages, and playing video games.
Lauren Galvez is an SEO Consultant at In this role, I partner with small business owners to help grow their website through SEO. I have 5 years of SEO experience from working in SEO agencies, in-house, and consulting. Within SEO, I particularly love technical and on-page SEO and overall working with clients and getting to learn about their unique businesses.
Outside of work, I love spending time in nature, being with family, learning about different cultures and languages, and playing video games.
Advice For Anyone Joining The Industry
There are so many SEOs sharing their knowledge online that can be great resources for you as you continue to learn and grow. I wouldn’t know what I know today without learning from my peers through endless blog posts, youtube videos, SEO courses, newsletters, and industry thought leaders on LinkedIn. Find which resources really speak to you and take it one step—or SEO topic—at a time!
Areas Of Interest
- Technical SEO
- On-Page SEO
Education, Awards, Certifications
- B.A. in Psychology from the University of California, Santa Cruz
- Technical SEO Certification – Moz
- Technical SEO Certification – Blue Array
- SEO Manager Certification – Blue Array
- SEO Specialist Certification – ClickMinded
- SEO Specialist Certification – ReliableSoft
- SEO Certification – Hubspot
- Google Analytics Certification – Google Skillshop
Affiliations & Past Work
Published Work & Inclusions
- 8 Essential Writing and Editing Skills for Content Marketers
- What are the best ways to improve your SEO?
- How SEO Marketing Candidates Can Illustrate Both On-Page and Off-Page SEO Skills With Their Experience
- What Are Some Squarespace SEO Tips?
- 10 Key Indicators of a Good Cultural Fit for Marketing Team
Favorite Articles/Publications You Share/Follow
- Search Engine Journal SEO News
- Google Search Central blog and Youtube channel
- Ahrefs blog
- Women In Tech SEO
- BrightLocal blog
- Content King blog
- Onely blog
- SEOFOMO Newsletter
Favorite Food And/Or Restaurant
I’m a soup/salad and sandwich type of girl but I love all kinds of food!
December 1st
Other Greats!
Hey SEO’s — Everybody Love Everybody
SEO’s and digital marketers need to build each other up instead of breaking eachother down! The purpose of Digital E-A-T’s!
Stress and Stressability Working on Emotional Regulation
Emotional regulation issues start with emotional triggers. Let’s dig into some of the emotional triggers we encounter in digital marketing.
Working Toward Alignment
Successful communication occurs when there’s an authentic connection between the speaker and the audience. This phenomenon, known as neural entrainment, is challenging to achieve.
Communication Breakdown: Solving Communication’s Biggest Issues
Miscommunication impacts trust, efficiency, and revenue. Why are we so bad at it if communication is essential and poor communication so costly? Learn more from Jamar Ramos!
Millennium Man: What Chris Jericho’s WWE Debut Teaches Us About Marketing
Let’s look at how WWE’s marketing machine went into overdrive for Chris Jericho.
Becoming The Batman: Why Arkham City’s Marketing is Sticky
Batman: Arkham City’s viral campaign is still my favorite marketing. Let’s talk about why I enjoyed Rocksteady’s marketing promotion. Let’s talk about the time I became Batman!