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Katherine Watier Ong

Owner & Digital Marketer | 18+ Years


Who is Katherine Watier Ong?

Katherine Watier Ong is the owner of WO Strategies LLC, a boutique organic traffic consultancy. WO Strategies is DC-based organic traffic marketing partner and trainer to primarily science-based, enterprise-sized organizations. We collaborate with you and your team to ensure that you have the skills and strategy necessary to grow your organic traffic and to get scientific answers into the hands of your customers.

Katherine has run digital marketing for in-house and agency positions for over eighteen years. Partially due to her experience as the VP of Online Strategy and Market Insights at Ketchum PR, she has developed award winning campaigns and worked with organizations ranging from federal agencies, foreign governments, startups, nonprofits, and Fortune 500 companies focused on G2C, B2B, and B2C audiences.

Over the years, she has created campaigns that drive website traffic and conversions for clients, many of which are in-house or agency marketers strapped for resources and time.

Some of these results included:

  • She has had three websites crash due to too much traffic. In one case, the campaign drove 1.2 million (up from 300K) to in one month.
  • Creating the strategy and leading the team helped New Yorkers get their healthcare questions answered via social media for the This campaign resulted in 40,000 New Yorkers signing up for health insurance during week one – more than any other state exchange.
  • Changing search behavior and driving the implementation of electronic health records for the US Department of Health and Human Services Office of the National Coordinator (
  • Conducting an organic traffic assessment, training, and internal staff hiring and recruiting for that lead to nearly 100% traffic growth YOY.

She has helped recruit, assess, and hire search teams, evaluate employee performance, and streamline internal digital marketing processes. She has also helped inspire and unite groups critical for digital marketing success.

She has spoken about online marketing at the Voice Summits, BrightonSEO, Search Engine Strategies Chicago, Online Marketing Summit, the American Marketing Association, Public Relations Society of America, DC Digital Capital Week, and a variety of other events and conferences. She has also taught SEO classes at Georgetown University and is a former professor with the Online Marketing Institute.

She has a BA in social psychology from Hampshire College and an MA in Tech Marketing and Business from Georgetown. She also conducted the first study on consumer adoption of wearable computers.

We have capacity for a new client in the fall of 2023!

Please Reach Out On Our Website.

Advice For Anyone Joining The Industry

Find mentors when you can. Realize that you know more about SEO most of the time than others. Don’t be afraid to say, “I don’t know, but I’ll get back to you.

Areas Of Interest

  • Technical SEO
  • Overall digital strategy
  • In-house SEO capacity building

Education, Awards, Certifications

  • BA in social psychology from Hampshire College and an MA in Tech Marketing and Business from Georgetown.
  • She also conducted the first study on consumer adoption of wearable computers.
  • She has been featured in Humans of Analytics and on Forbes’ Outstanding Women in Analytics list and OMI’s To 40 Digital Strategies in 2014 list.

Affiliations & Past Work

We have capacity for a new client in the fall of 2023 and we are currently helping organizations set up training and policies to integrate AI chat and other software into their digital marketing workflows.

Published Work & Inclusions

Favorite Articles/Publications You Share/Follow

I still read Search Engine Land and Search Engine Roundtable regularly

Cool Fact

  • I started a nonprofit when I was 16 called the Rainforest Challenge.
  • I planned my first conference when I was 13 – got a planning committee together, negotiated with the hotel, figured out catering – and 200 young people showed up for the first Midcoast Maine 4-H Teen Conference.

Favorite Food And/Or Restaurant


Other Greats!