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Iva Jovanovic

Head of SEO + Content | 6+ Years


Who is Iva Jovanovic?

Iva Jovanovic is Head of SEO and Content at Made Online Agency, where she leads the agency’s SEO, content, and web development efforts. She is also the Speaker Coordinator for the Heapcon conference, where she manages the conference’s Call for papers, speakers, talks, and program. She is focused on Technical SEO and the world of web development, but also still takes care of content creation for websites and social media.

Outside of work, she enjoys swimming, traveling, visiting conferences (SEO, but also It conferences), listening to great bands perform, and binge-watching various shows. Also a huge animal lover.

I Am Available For Freelancing!

Please Reach Out To Me On My LinkedIn.

Advice For Anyone Joining The Industry

Be persistent and constantly learn. And be yourself. Try to disregard the little voice in your head giving you a case of imposter syndrome. Learn as much as you can, explore anything you want to explore, ask questions, go to conferences, and stay u informed.

Areas Of Interest

  • On-page and Technical SEO
  • Web Development
  • WordPress
  • Python

Education, Awards, Certifications

  • Content Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Social Media, Email Marketing, and Sales Enablement Certifications from HubSpot
  • Fundamentals of Digital Marketing from Google Digital Garage
  • SEMRush certificates for SEO courses

Affiliations & Past Work

Open for freelance work in content creation, SEO, and social media management.

Published Work & Inclusions

Favorite Articles/Publications You Share/Follow

Cool Fact

  • I have an MA degree in Art History. And I worked a temporary/contract job in a museum.
  • Huge fan of photography and wrote my BA and MA thesis on it.
  • I was a (local) professional swimmer for 8 years.

Favorite Food And/Or Restaurant

  • Italian (pizza and pasta anytime)
  • Asian
  • American
  • Serbian food

I had a 15-year-old westie dog named Bart who grew up with me through my entire education.


Other Greats!