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Isaline Muelhauser

International SEO Consultant | 12+ Years


Who is Isaline Muelhauser?
  • SEO Consultant at, a boutique consulting company located in Lausanne, French-Speaking Switzerland.
  • My favourite activities are anything related to content!
  • I am happiest on a rowing boat on the Leman Lake (Geneva Lake), or training for triathlons.

Isaline Muelhauser is an SEO Consultant at, a boutique consulting company located in Lausanne, French-Speaking Switzerland. In this role, she supports her clients in reaching their target audience via search traffic.

She is the right fit to anyone wishing to target the French-Speaking Swiss market and any company that needs a multilingual SEO strategy. Switzerland is a multilingual market. Imagine growing up and reading several languages on your cereal box at breakfast or on your toothpaste while brushing your teeth. Most product and communication medium of national companies are multilingual – this includes websites of course. It raises unique challenges and problem-solving that can be applied to any other multilingual markets.

Isaline’s favourite activities are anything related to content – she loves increasing performance through localisation and supporting clients distributing resources to get the most of their budget. Prioritisation in SEO is key, not every best practice needs to be applied to all businesses. Often with small changes in the content optimization processes, a company can achieve great results. It’s about understanding what matters most for the company.

Key facts: Isaline started working in digital marketing 12 years ago, specialised in performant content and SEO. She likes the (sustainable) energy and construction industry and topics related to sports. She speaks French, German and English.

Offkeyboard, Isaline Muelhauser is a performance athlete. She is happiest on a rowing boat on the Leman Lake (Geneva Lake), or training for triathlons. She applies an endurance, slow and steady training mindset to most things in life.

I Am Available For New Clients!

Please Reach Out To Me On My Website.

Advice For Anyone Joining The Industry

Find out what you like and do it well. There are 100 different clients with different needs, there is a good fit for every consultant. Doing a great job is important. Unfortunately, not everyone will appreciate your work, let’s not dwell on it and find our allies. There are a lot of good people around!

Areas Of Interest

Isaline Muelhauser favorite things are languages – content is her thing. Though she believes that no SEO should ignore other areas of SEO or growth for a company. For this reason she trained in Analytics and Tech SEO to be able to offer targeted value and accurate advice.

Education, Awards, Certifications

  • MA in Media and Communication, University of Geneva
  • BA in English and French Literature and Linguistics, University of Lausanne

Affiliations & Past Work

  • University of Applied Sciences Geneva HES-SO
  • Solarwall, Architectural Integrated Photovoltaics
  • SMG Swiss Marketplace Group
  • Régimo Lausanne
  • Terravin
  • Observatory International

Isaline Muelhauser is always happy to take on new clients ready to start a content localisation process! Reach out via email [email protected]

Published Work & Inclusions

Any results/highlights from your work you want to promote? Any impact you’re proud of?

I am really proud of the work that I do together with Sara Moccand-Sayegh. We run SEOnerdSwitzerland, an association that offers accessible and trustworthy knowledge. We empower new public speakers, especially women as we welcome them on stage. We organise online and in-person meetups and netwalking 

There are few women working in tech and visible in Switzerland. We are convinced that SEO is a field that offers many job opportunities because various skills are required (tech, content, relational) and it can be done from home. We hope to make women aware of these options

Favorite Articles/Publications You Share/Follow

We see the same newsletter being shared over and over again – I am interested in hearing new voices and finding new things. Here is a sample:

  • Hannah Smith’s Newsletter is the best ever because in life we need to stay curious. Hannah is also training speakers within the SEO community.
  • Nadia Fischer, developed Witty Works, a tool that helps us write in a more inclusive way (an be used within Google Docs) She shares information that we can use to advocate for more inclusive writing.
  • I follow and often work with Irina Serdyukovskaya for anything Google Analytics 4 related.
  • Helen Pollitt made a talk at the Women in Tech SEO conference 2023 where she discusses how to advance your career, how to identify blockers and allies. More generally speaking, I enjoy Helen’s career advice, they are straightforward and precise.

Favorite Food And/Or Restaurant

  • I love Thai and Indian food.

I adopted Pixel 4 years ago. She was so shy, we could barely approach her. Look at her today.


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