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Content Process

My Mission

I am utilizing this website to help build up and support the great people in our industry!

There are so many awesome people out there that have produced a ton of great content. Im hopeful that this site can serve as their digital portfolio to highlight their Expertise, Authority & Trust (E-A-T)


I will be accepting submissions for guest posts on our Articles section of the site.

If you do not have a website or place to publish a topic you would like to explore please reach out to me on Twitter. We can work together to create something helpful for the Digital Community.

Fact-Checking, Citations & Sources

Most of the content I produce is from my own experiences, but there will be times I borrow or get insights from additional sources. Whenever this happens I will be sure to annotate it and give credit to the original source. If you ever notice that I am missing one please let me know!

As for other guest posters, I will expect them to follow the same methodology. If there is every anything questionable on this site please reach out to me! 


If you have any feedback or concerns about the content published on this website please reach out to me on Twitter!

Other Greats!