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Chris Ridley

Paid Media Manager | 5+ Years


Who is Chris Ridley?
  • Paid Media Manager and Team Lead at Evoluted.
  • I primarily focus on Paid Search but find I provide the most value to my clients when I get immersed in their business.
  • You can usually find me either watching the Jacksonville Jaguars, playing board games with friends or hiking with my wife Bex and our Cocker Spaniel, Reggie Ridley.

Chris Ridley is a Paid Media Manager and Team Lead at Evoluted, based in the United Kingdom. In this role, I strive to develop the Paid Media service we offer our clients, while leading by example when it comes to upholding the company values, culture and standards of work.

I primarily focus on Paid Search but find I provide the most value to my clients when I get immersed in their business and help them shape their overall marketing strategy to align with their business objectives and finances – there’s no point in delivering volume if it’s not profitable.

I’m as confident on a conference stage as I am in a Google Ads account. Public speaking has become a great platform (pun intended) for me to give back to the digital marketing community and to sharpen my confidence and communication skills.

Within my 5+ years of experience, I have worked from being a one-man marketing team for a family-run manufacturing company to leading the Paid Media team for a digital marketing agency with a 40+ headcount.

Prior to my digital marketing days, I worked in hospitality for 10 years. From pulling pints and changing bedsheets to managing a pub and driving up and down the country as an Area Manager. Outside of work, you can usually find me either watching my NFL team – the Jacksonville Jaguars – on a Sunday evening, playing board games with friends or hiking across the British countryside with my wife Bex and our Cocker Spaniel, Reggie Ridley.

Advice For Anyone Joining The Industry

  • Find your most effective styles of learning (reading, listening, discussing, watching, doing) and do as much of it as you can.
  • Embrace the digital marketing communities (PPC Live UK, conferences, Paid Search Association, #PPCChat, Women in Tech SEO, Marketing O’Clock).
  • If you don’t know where to find a community, get in touch with me ♥️
  • Be honest when you make mistakes, own up and embrace them. Learn from them and learn how to prevent them in the future.
  • We all make mistakes, only the best of us learn from them.

Areas Of Interest

  • Paid Search
  • Creation of Engaging Content
  • Automation & Data-layering
  • CRO

Education, Awards, Certifications

  • BA (Hons) English Literature

Affiliations & Past Work

Open to Public Speaking (free but would never turn down lunch)

Published Work & Inclusions

I have been a guest on

spoken at

Any Results/Highlights From Your Work You Want To Promote? Any Impact You’re Proud Of?

  • I spent 2 years working for the Childcare Sector and absolutely loved hearing the success stories from the client about the families and children they’ve been able to help.
  • I’m also proud of my contribution to helping develop others in the digital marketing industry and helping to foster an inclusive and friendly community

Favorite Articles/Publications You Share/Follow

Cool Fact

  • On my first day at Evoluted, I ended up getting on the wrong train and ended up in London… it took me until midnight to get home

Favorite Food And/Or Restaurant

  • Mexican Food
  • Sunday Roast Dinner
  • Full English Breakfast
  • Soft pretzels 🥨

Meet Reggie Ridley – Cocker Spaniel

Reggie Ridley - Cocker Spaniel

Other Greats!