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Bengü Sarıca Dinçer

Technical SEO | 10+ Years


Who is Bengü Sarıca Dinçer?
  • SEO Team Lead at Popupsmart.
  • I’m obsessively in love with cats and I even have a cat shaped tattoo :).
  • I love to discover new countries, experience great tastes, and spend time with my sweet cat, Sushi.

Bengü Sarıca Dinçer is an SEO Team Lead at Popupsmart. In this role, I consistently seek innovative strategies to enhance website performance, increase organic rankings, and maximize conversion rates. I enjoy staying updated on the latest developments in the SEO world.

I started my professional life in conventional advertising and steered it with the digital marketing universe.

I worked in both agencies and startups during my 10-year career and provided consultancy services to many medium and large-scale companies with national and international authority.

Believing that each digital marketing sub-fragment contains great local and global opportunities, I am interested in all perspectives, from on-page & off-page SEO to local & international SEO and SEM, focusing on companies of all sizes to position themselves more strategically and reach their goals.

Outside of work, I love to discover new countries, experience great tastes, and spend time with my sweet cat, Sushi.

Advice For Anyone Joining The Industry

In my opinion, learning SEO by practicing on your own website is the best and risk-free way.

There is so much to discover, but human life is so limited. That’s why I suggest you try to research and learn new things whenever you get the chance.

Other than that, I strongly recommend supporting the Women in Tech SEO community where you can express yourself and are full of amazing women who are experts in their field.

Areas Of Interest

  • Technical SEO
  • On-page SEO
  • Off-page SEO
  • Link Building
  • Content

Education, Awards, Certifications

  • Bachelor of Advertising & Public Relations in Communication Sciences from Anadolu University
  • Winner of the Young Communication Students Towards EU Competition in the TV field
  • Various SEO and Digital Marketing Related Certificates

Affiliations & Past Work

Any Results/Highlights From Your Work You Want To Promote? Any Impact You’re Proud Of?

Tripling current traffic in 1 year is certainly something I’m proud of, but having a great team dynamic is even more proud.

Favorite Articles/Publications You Share/Follow

Cool Fact

I’m obsessively in love with cats and I even have a cat shaped tattoo 🙂

Favorite Food And/Or Restaurant

  • I love Japanese cuisine so much that my cat’s name is Sushi <3
  • Also, I can’t deny that Italian cuisine is a big part of my life.
  • I recommend Hatay foods, which is a part of Turkish cuisine, to everyone.


July 27, 1990

I absolutely believe in the miracle of Sushi, the handsome cat, whom I adopted a week before the Hatay earthquake that shook Turkey. Note: His former family was hit hard by the earthquake.


Other Greats!