Digital E-A-T’s Run Club
- Written By - Mike Ginley
- Content Process
- March 12, 2025
Digital E-A-T’s Run Club Strava
Introducing a new club for the digital marketing world!
Twitter is awful there is zero community there anymore. LinkedIn is 3 weeks behind. So lets try the next social media tool.
This is open to anyone in the digital marketing or web world. Hopefully, you have a profile on the website, but I won’t force that.
I also named this ‘Run Club’ because ‘Exercise Club’ sounded to bro’y or macho. Idk if someone has something better I can rename it. Its all activities, cycling, running, pickle ball, vibe coding.
I hope that we can get some people to join the Strava Club so that we can all share our activities and challenge eachother.
Speaking of challenges I will definitely be using this to raffle off some Digital E-A-T’s swag so stay tuned for that.
Please join and share this around. If you have any questions or suggestions please reach out to me on LinkedIn!
Written By

Brie E Anderson
Brie E Anderson is the Owner of BEAST Analytics. She has been working with companies of all sized increase their return on marketing investments for the last 10 years.

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